Spanish Short Story Titles**
(All titles are direct translations unless marked by a single asterisk, in which case they are the Mexican, Latin American or Castilian Spanish version of a particular title.)
“Dos Destinos” -- “Two Dooms”.
“El Joven Goodman Brown” -- “Young Goodman Brown”.
“El Marvilloso Traje de Helado de Crema” -- “El Marvilloso Traje de Helado de Crema”.*
“El Ruido de un Trueno” -- “A Sound of Thunder”.*
“El Tercero a Partir del Sol" -- “Third from the Sun".
“Eran Morenos y de Ojos Dorados” -- “Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed”.
“La Bruja de Abril” -- “The April Witch”.
“La Hora Cero” -- “Zero Hour”.
“La Musa Oscura” -- “The Dark Muse”.
“Todo el Verano en un Día” -- "All Summer in a Day”.
“Una Rosa para Emily” -- “A Rose for Emily”.
** Titles of novellas and novelettes to be found in this section as well.
Labels: Títulos Españoles II