Saturday, March 30, 2013

Movie Song of the Week: "I Want to Go Back to Michigan (Down on the Farm)"

Heh. Irony. From the 1948 movie musical Easter Parade, I post a song that I should have posted a long time ago. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

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¡Feliz Pascua de Resurrección!

Happy Easter to all my readers!

I hope you all have a happy holiday this weekend.


¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Francisco de Goya!

AKA Francisco de Goya y Lucientes.

Born March 30, 1746. Died April 16, 1828.

One of the great Spanish artists of all time. Ironically, he's most famous for allegedly painting the Duchess of Alba like one of Jack Dawson's French girls, a deed which may or may not have happened depending on which historian you ask.

He is also famous for this very creepy drawing.

Of course, as much as I like that piece, I must confess to being more partial to this:

Then again, I did edit that last piece a bit...

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Friday, March 29, 2013

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Patty Donahue!

AKA Patricia J. "Patty" Donahue.

Born March 29, 1956. Died December 9, 1996.

Lead singer of the Waitresses, one of my favorite musical groups from the 1980s. She deserved much more success and a longer life than she ever got but at least she and her former bandmates left a lot of great songs behind. Here's wishing her a lot of birthday cake!

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Benito Juárez!

AKA Benito Pablo Juárez García.

Born March 21, 1806. Died July 18, 1872.

The first Mexican president of Indian blood, Juárez is also known as the "Abraham Lincoln of Mexico" due to his efforts in the 1860s to free his country from French rule.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Henrik Ibsen!

AKA Henrik Johan Ibsen.

Born March 20, 1828. Died May 23, 1906.

Norwegian playwright who was responsible for such plays as Hedda Gabler, A Doll's House and The Wild Duck.

Please feel free to wear a few vine leaves in your hair in his honor. But I would resist the urge to shoot any wild ducks today if I were you.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spanish Fiction Book Titles**

(All titles are direct translations unless marked by a single asterisk, in which case they are the Mexican, Latin American or Castilian Spanish version of a particular title.)

A Este Lado del Paraíso -- This Side of Paradise.
Al Este del Edén -- East of Eden.*
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas -- Alice in Wonderland.
Ana Karénina -- Anna Karenina.
Azteca -- Aztec.
Canción de Navidad -- A Christmas Carol.
Cien Años de Soledad -- One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Claudio, el Dios, y su Esposa Mesalina -- Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina
Creado... el Destructor -- Created... the Destroyer.
Cuentos de la Alhambra -- Tales of the Alhambra.
Cumbres Borrascosas -- Wuthering Heights.
Chicas en Cota de Malla -- Chicks in Chain Mail.
Desde Rusia con Amor -- From Russia, with Love.
Desteñido -- Fade.
Diamantes para la Eternidad -- Diamonds Are Forever.*
El Amor en los Tiempos del Cólera -- Love in the Time of Cholera.
El Beso de la Mujer Araña -- Kiss of the Spider Woman.
El Cartero Siempre Llama Dos Veces -- The Postman Always Rings Twice.*
El Cuerpo -- The Body.
El Día Que Llegaron los Marcianos -- The Day the Martians Came.
El Gran Gatsby -- The Great Gatsby.
El Hombre Demolido -- The Demolished Man.
El Hombre Ilustrado -- The Illustrated Man.
El Hombre Invisible -- The Invisible Man.
El Jinete de la Onda de Shock -- The Shock Wave Rider.
El Libro de la Selva -- The Jungle Book.
El Padrino -- The Godfather.
El Sol Desnudo -- The Naked Sun.
El Viajero -- The Journeyer.
El Viejo y el Mar -- The Old Man and the Sea.
Estrella Doble -- Double Star.
Fiesta -- The Sun Also Rises.
Forastero en Tierra Extraña -- Stranger in a Strange Land.
Guerra y Paz -- War and Peace.
Halcón -- Raptor.
Jorge el Curioso -- Curious George.
La Arena Lejana -- The Far Arena.
La Casa en la Calle Mango -- The House on Mango Street.
La Guerra de los Mundos -- The War of the Worlds.
La Hoguera de las Vanidades -- The Bonfire of the Vanities.
La Luna Es una Cruel Amante -- The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.*
La Máquina del Tiempo -- The Time Machine.
La Rebelión de Atlas -- Atlas Shrugged (literally, Atlas Se Encogió de Hombros.)*
La Traición de Rita Hayworth -- Betrayed by Rita Hayworth.*
Las Bóvedas de Acero -- The Caves of Steel.
Las Cuitas del Joven Werther -- The Sorrows of Young Werther.*
Los Dominios de Farnham -- Farnham's Freehold.*
Las Doradas Manzanas del Sol -- The Golden Apples of the Sun.
Las Estrellas, Mi Destino -- The Stars, My Destination.
Lentejuela -- Spangle.
Los Juegos del Hambre -- The Hunger Games.
Martín Edén -- Martin Eden.
Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes -- Memories of My Melancholy Whores.
No Es Este Agosto -- Not This August.
Otoño Azteca -- Aztec Autumn.
Puerta al Verano -- The Door Into Summer.
Ruta de Gloria -- Glory Road.
Sangre Azteca -- Aztec Blood.
Suave Es la Noche -- Tender Is the Night.
Tropas del Espacio -- Starship Troopers.*
Un Fantasma Recorre Texas -- A Spectre Is Haunting Texas.
Viaje al Centro de la Tierra -- Journey to the Center of the Earth.
Viernes -- Friday.
Visiones Peligrosas -- Dangerous Visions.
Vive y Deja Morir -- Live and Let Die.
Yo, Claudio -- I, Claudius.

** Titles of novels, anthologies and short story collections.


Spanish Play Titles

(All titles are direct translations unless marked by an asterisk, in which case they are the Mexican, Latin American or Castilian Spanish version of a particular title.)

Avenida Q -- Avenue Q.
Casa de Muñecas -- A Doll's House.
El Pato Silvestre -- The Wild Duck.
La Gaviota -- The Seagull.
La Ópera de los Tres Centavos -- The Threepenny Opera.
La Vida Es Sueño -- Life Is a Dream.
Línea de Coro -- A Chorus Line.
Llega el Hombre de Hielo -- The Iceman Cometh.


Spanish Short Story Titles**

(All titles are direct translations unless marked by a single asterisk, in which case they are the Mexican, Latin American or Castilian Spanish version of a particular title.)

“Dos Destinos” -- “Two Dooms”.
“El Joven Goodman Brown” -- “Young Goodman Brown”.
“El Marvilloso Traje de Helado de Crema” -- “El Marvilloso Traje de Helado de Crema”.*
“El Ruido de un Trueno” -- “A Sound of Thunder”.*
“El Tercero a Partir del Sol" -- “Third from the Sun".
“Eran Morenos y de Ojos Dorados” -- “Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed”.
“La Bruja de Abril” -- “The April Witch”.
“La Hora Cero” -- “Zero Hour”.
“La Musa Oscura” -- “The Dark Muse”.
“Todo el Verano en un Día” -- "All Summer in a Day”.
“Una Rosa para Emily” -- “A Rose for Emily”.

** Titles of novellas and novelettes to be found in this section as well.


Friday, March 15, 2013

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Eva Longoria!

AKA Eva Jacqueline Longoria.

Born March 15, 1975.

Mexican-American actress best known for playing Gabrielle Solis in the recently deceased ABC TV series Desperate Housewives.

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spanish Comic Book Titles

(All titles are direct translations unless marked by an asterisk, in which case they are the Mexican, Latin American or Castilian Spanish version of a particular title.)

Aire -- Air.
Capitán América -- Captain America.
Diabólico -- Daredevil.
Dr. Extraño -- Doctor Strange.
El Hombre Cosa -- Man-Thing.
Flecha Verde -- Green Arrow.
Hombres de Negro -- Men in Black.
Howard el Pato -- Howard the Duck.
La Casa de los Secretos -- House of Secrets.
La Cosa del Pantano -- Swamp Thing.
La Liga de los Caballeros Extraordinarios -- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
La Masa -- The Hulk.
La Mujer Maravilla -- Wonder Woman.
La Tumba de Drácula -- The Tomb of Dracula.
Linterna Verde -- Green Lantern.
V de Vendetta -- V for Vendetta.
Vigilantes -- Watchmen.


Saturday, March 09, 2013

Pop Song of the Week: "I Will Follow Him"

In honor of Little Peggy March, who celebrated her sixty-fourth birthday yesterday.

And yes, I did hear this song many a time while I was growing up. Even after I had grown up for that matter, thanks to the magic of "oldies" radio stations and 45-inch singles.

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Movie Song of the Week: "My God"

Well, it is Lent so I might as well try to post something religious. Besides, Sister Act might be the last pro-Catholic movie we see for a long while. And a Motown cover is hardly the worst musical item a Detroit-born Catholic like myself could choose.

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Spanish TV Titles

(All titles are direct translations unless marked by an asterisk, in which case they are the Mexican, Latin American or Castilian Spanish version of a particular title.)

Alfred Hitchcock Presenta -- Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
Blanco y Negro -- Diff'rent Strokes.*
Casados con Hijos -- Married... with Children.
Castillo -- Castle.
Comunidad -- Community.
Criando Malvas -- Pushing Daisies.*
Choque Cultural -- Culture Clash.
Días Felices -- Happy Days.
Don Gato -- Top Cat.*
Dos Hombres y Medio -- Two and a Half Men.
Dr. House -- House M.D..*
El Agente de CIPOL -- The Man from U.N.C.L.E..*
El Avispón Verde -- The Green Hornet.
El Circo Ambulante de los Monty Python -- Monty Python's Flying Circus.
El Cisco Kid -- The Cisco Kid.
El Exterminador: Las Crónicas de Sarah Connor -- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
El Gran Chaparral -- The High Chaparral.*
El Hombre Increíble -- The Incredible Hulk.*
El Llanero Solitario -- The Lone Ranger.
El Príncipe de Bel Air -- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.*
El Prisionero -- The Prisoner.
El Show de los Muppets -- The Muppet Show.*
El Superagente 86 -- Get Smart.*
El Zorro -- Zorro.
Enano Rojo -- Red Dwarf.
Espías con Espuelas -- The Wild, Wild West.*
Esposas Desesperadas -- Desperate Housewives.
Familia Moderna -- Modern Family.
Hawaii Cinco-Cero -- Hawaii Five-0.
Hércules: Los Viajes Legendarios -- Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
Héroes -- Heroes.
Huesos -- Bones.
Invasores Primitivos -- Primeval.*
Joan de Arcadia -- Joan of Arcadia.*
Jóvenes y Rebeldes -- Freaks and Geeks.*
Justicia Ciega -- Boston Legal.*
La Buena Vida -- The Good Life.*
La Casa de Muñecas -- Dollhouse.
La Extraña Pareja -- The Odd Couple.*
La Familia Partridge -- The Partridge Family.
La Isla de Gilligan -- Gilligan's Island.
La Mujer Maravilla -- Wonder Woman.*
La Oficina -- The Office.
La Pantera Rosa -- The Pink Panther.
La Teoría del Big Bang -- The Big Bang Theory.*
La Tercera Roca desde el Sol -- 3rd Rock from the Sun.*
Las Aventuras de Brisco County Jr. -- The Adventures of Brisco County Jr..
Las Aventuras de Sarah Jane -- The Adventures of Sarah Jane.
Las Nueve Vidas de Elfego Baca -- The Nine Lives of Elfego Baca.
Los Ángeles de Charlie -- Charlie's Angels.*
Los Beverly Ricos -- The Beverly Hillbillies.*
Los Dukes de Hazzard -- The Dukes of Hazzard.
Los Estados Unidos de Tara -- United States of Tara.
Los 4400 -- The 4400.
Los Héroes de Hogan -- Hogan's Heroes.
Los Peligros de Penélope Glamour -- The Perils of Penelope Pitstop.*
Los Picapiedra -- The Flintstones.*
Los Reyes de la Colina -- King of the Hill.*
Los Ricos También Lloran -- The Rich Also Cry.
Los Simpson -- The Simpsons.
Los Supersónicos -- The Jetsons.*
Los Vengadores -- The Avengers.
Malezas -- Weeds.
McMillan y Esposa -- McMillan and Wife.
Mi Bella Genio -- I Dream of Jeannie.*
Mi Familia (Televisión) -- All in the Family.*
Mi Nombre Es Earl -- My Name Is Earl.*
Misión: Imposible -- Mission: Impossible.
Ocho Son Suficiente -- Eight Is Enough.
Parques y Recreación -- Parks and Recreation.
Perdidos en el Espacio -- Lost in Space.
Poderoso Hércules -- The Mighty Hercules.
Sala de Urgencias -- ER.*
Seis Pies bajo Tierra -- Six Feet Under.
Sí Ministro -- Yes Minister.
Sí Primer Ministro -- Yes Prime Minister.
Sinvergüenza -- Shameless.
Un Día a la Vez -- One Day at a Time.*
Una Chica Americana -- All-American Girl.*
Viaje a las Estrellas -- Star Trek.*
Vicio en Miami -- Miami Vice.*
Xena: La Princesa Guerrera -- Xena: Warrior Princess.
Yo Claudio -- I, Claudius.


Sunday, March 03, 2013

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Rubén Salazar!

Born March 3, 1928. Died August 29, 1970.

Mexican-American journalist who died way before his time.

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Friday, March 01, 2013

R.I.P. Patty Andrews

American singer Patty Andrews, the last surviving member of the famous Andrews Sisters singing trio, joined her sisters on January 30 at age 94.

She will be missed.

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R.I.P. Michael Winner

English film director Michael Winner, best known for such films as Death Wish and The Mechanic, yelled "Cut!" for the final time on January 21, 2013, at age 77.

He will be missed.

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R.I.P. Mindy McCready

Country singer Mindy McCready, most famous for such songs as "Ten Thousand Angels" and "Guys Do It All the Time", shot herself on February 17 at age 37.

She will be missed.

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R.I.P. Richard Briers

English actor Richard Briers, best known for his role as Tom Good in the British sitcom The Good Life aka Good Neighbors, milked his last cow on February 17 at age 79.

He will be missed, but hopefully, wherever he is, he and his former co-star Paul Eddington -- who passed away in 1995 -- will have a lot to talk about.

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R.I.P. Bonnie Franklin

American actress Bonnie Franklin, best known for her role as Ann Romano on the 1970s sitcom One Day at a Time, took her last bow today at age 69.

She will be missed.

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