Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spanish Comic Book Titles

(All titles are direct translations unless marked by an asterisk, in which case they are the Mexican, Latin American or Castilian Spanish version of a particular title.)

Aire -- Air.
Capitán América -- Captain America.
Diabólico -- Daredevil.
Dr. Extraño -- Doctor Strange.
El Hombre Cosa -- Man-Thing.
Flecha Verde -- Green Arrow.
Hombres de Negro -- Men in Black.
Howard el Pato -- Howard the Duck.
La Casa de los Secretos -- House of Secrets.
La Cosa del Pantano -- Swamp Thing.
La Liga de los Caballeros Extraordinarios -- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
La Masa -- The Hulk.
La Mujer Maravilla -- Wonder Woman.
La Tumba de Drácula -- The Tomb of Dracula.
Linterna Verde -- Green Lantern.
V de Vendetta -- V for Vendetta.
Vigilantes -- Watchmen.



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