Saturday, September 12, 2020

R.I.P. Un Otro de Mis Primos Mayores

I got news from my mother earlier this week that another one of my older cousins in Detroit passed away in April due to the Corona virus. It has been years since I've seen him face-to-face yet he and his siblings still had a profound effect on my life -- if for no other reason than the fact that he and his siblings were the closest things to older brothers that I ever had.

He will be missed.

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Friday, September 11, 2020

It's That Day Again...

As shameful as it seems, I didn't stop to think about what happened on this day back in 2001 until just an hour ago.

Oddly enough, I had already written one check this morning and paid a visit to one of the local banks before I was that day.

One of those anniversaries good Americans like me aren't supposed to forget.

It's not that I don't recall what happened that morning seven years ago. I just don't think about it every moment of the day. And yes, if I had lost a loved one on that day, I wouldn't have the luxury of forgetting so easily.

And yet it is in the nature of Man that even the date of some of the biggest catastrophes end up forgotten. Not because we wish to forget them but because we can think of them only so long before sanity encourages us to move on to something else.

Anyway, I did finally remember without any reminder from the newspaper, the TV news, the radio or the Internet.

I hope that next year I can say the same thing.


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