Words of the Present III
1. acerebral -- without a brain.
2. allophilia -- a positive attitude for a group that is not one's own.
3. antipolonism -- a spectrum of hostile attitudes toward Polish people and culture.
4. apocalypse fatigue -- reduced interest in current or potential environmental problems due to frequent dire warnings about those problems.
5. bikini medicine -- medical practice, research, and funding that focuses solely on the female breasts and reproductive system.
6. bozo explosion -- the large number of inept employees that a company ends up with when it hires an incompetent executive, who in turn hires incompetent managers, who then hire incompetent workers.
7. digital immigrants -- people who started to use the Internet and other digital technology as adults.
8. digital natives -- people who grew up with the Internet and other digital technology.
9. diversity fatigue -- a form of mental exhaustion brought on by the constant attention required to ensure a workforce or other group is racially or ethnically diverse.
10. emporiophobia -- fear or mistrust of, or resistance to, free markets.
11. entropy tourism -- travel that features places of decay, neglect, or abandonment.
12. gallery rage -- extreme anger displayed by an art gallery patron when a visit is marred by huge crowds or rude gallery staff.
13. hecatine -- relating to Hecate.
14. heteroclite -- a nonconformist; a person who is not conventional.
15. hydropot -- a water drinker.
16. hypergraphia -- a behavioral condition characterized by the intense desire to write.
17. informavore -- a person who consumes information.
18. laptop zombie -- a laptop user in a public place who is oblivious to everyone and everything except the screen in front of them.
19. librarian chic -- a fashion style that uses elements of, or is inspired by, the styles stereotypically attributed to librarians.
20. mammogenic -- promoting growth of the milk glands.
21. natation -- swimming.
22. necrologue -- obituary.
23. nightpiece -- work of art describing a night scene.
24. noctivagant -- wandering in the night.
25. notonectal -- swimming on the back.
26. nyctograph -- device for recording ideas at night or when not fully awake.
27. nymphology -- study of nymphs.
28. pancake people -- Internet users who read widely, but without depth.
29. panivorous -- bread-eating.
30. popcorn movie -- a motion picture without serious dramatic content, a weighty message, or intellectual depth, which serves simply as enjoyable entertainment.
31. procerity -- tallness; height.
32. proletarian drift -- the tendency for originally upscale products to eventually become popular with the working class or proles.
33. racial battle fatigue -- stress and anxiety caused by constantly dealing with both overtly racist actions and subtle references to one’s race.
34. rainbow ceiling -- business practices and prejudices that create an unseen and unofficial barrier to personal advancement for gay employees.
35. ravenette -- someone with black hair.
36. resistance fatigue -- mental exhaustion brought on by the constant protesting of unpopular government policies.
37. retrophilia -- an intense attraction for things of the past.
38. retrosexual -- a man with an undeveloped aesthetic sense who spends as little time and money as possible on his appearance and lifestyle.
39. rhino -- older man in search of a younger woman.
40. ruin porn aka ruins photography -- a recent movement in photography that takes the decline of the built-environment (cities, buildings, infrastructure) as its subject.
41. rustalgia -- nostalgia for the lost world of the American Rust Belt.
42. Sadian -- one who spends his life studying the Marquis de Sade.
43. Tankie -- Stalinist; one who favored the use of tanks in putting down rebellions in Communist regimes.
44. time confetti -- brief pieces of leisure time scattered throughout a person‘s day.
45. transliteracy -- the ability to read and write using multiple media, including traditional print media, electronic devices, and online tools.
46. Turtledove effect -- in a work of alternate history, the implausible insertion of characters or events from the original timeline.
47. vapulation -- flogging.
48. virtue signalling -- using words, actions, or symbols to indicate to other people that you are a good person or that you hold certain moral values.
49. xenocentrism -- the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else's culture rather than of one's own.
50. zombie lie -- a false statement that keeps getting repeated no matter how often it has been refuted.
Labels: Palabras, Palabras del Presente, Palabras Inglesas