Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Mother Nature Doth Make Fools of Us All

A freezing rain had knocked out the electricity at my condominium complex yesterday so I made up my mind to spend the night over at a friend's house only to discover the next morning that the electricity had come on about an hour after I arrived there.

Of course, I had no idea it was going to do that. In fact, one of the reasons I didn't leave for my friend's house when the trouble first started is that I naively assumed that the electricity was going to come back on any second. But then the seconds passed and the lights were still off...

Fortunately, I had plenty of batteries and a flashlight but the incident did remind me quite harshly how dependent I had become upon electricity. I sleep with an oxygen machine to compensate for my sleep apnea so I have gotten used to going to sleep to the hum of the machine. Last night, of course, that was not an option. Nor was logging onto the Internet, watching television, listening to CD's, in short, doing anything that required electricity. Of course, I still could have read my books with the light of a flashlight and if worse came to worse, I could have lit a candle but still.

Anyway, I can't help but be haunted by what could have happened if the electricity had not come back on...

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