Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Seven Deadly Sins of Hollywood

Okay, religious blogger Tom Hoopes has a less dramatic title for this post, but I kinda like my title better.

All kidding aside, I found his post about the "Seven Mistakes Movies Make" to be actually more thoughtful than the usual conservative boilerplate about how Hollywood is "ruining" America. Just because Hollywood's "immorality" is often exaggerated by professional ax-grinders doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't substantial room for improvement.

Sample quote:

What each of these films recognize, though, is that love isn't an emotion, it's a set of actions. Audiences know that's true; it's one reason Titanic did so well, while Pearl Harbor flopped. Titanic is the biggest money-making movie of all time, in large part because the man dies for the woman; his actions, in the end, show true love -- and girls couldn't see it enough.
--Tom Hoopes, "Seven Mistakes Movies Make"

'Nuff said.

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