Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Winter of My Discontent

It seems as if I'm finally caught up with my medical bills but I still have this year's taxes to sort out. And though I'm not really sick, I seem to feel the cold more and more as I grow older -- a feeling I find especially embarrassing since I used to not only live up north but often had occasion while up there to walk to work while snow was on the ground.

On the bright side, I still had use of all four limbs and though my right hand is not as flexible as it used to be, my left hand still performs quite adequately. There was a brief time during my medical leave last year when I wondered if I would ever be able to walk long distances again without the aid of a walker but fortunately, that worry has long since bit the dust. I worry about my middle brother though. He is even more impatient than me when it comes to dealing with doctors and pharmacists and he's getting to the age when he can no longer afford to be that way.

My mother is in semi-good health though her neck still hurts from time to time and she has to stay away from solid food this week because of a dental implant. However, considering the crises my family has had to deal with in the recent past, we seem to be doing okay. However, I'm keeping my fingers crossed just the same.

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