Friday, November 22, 2013

R.I.P. John Fitzgerald Kennedy

I mentioned that today was the anniversary of the day Kennedy died to a neighbor of mine today and at first said neighbor was confused. Then he realized that I was talking about John F. Kennedy and the penny finally dropped. However, it seemed obvious to me that the anniversary of Kennedy's death had not been much on his mind as of late and it probably never has been. Then again said neighbor was born decades after Kennedy's death so it would be a bit surprising if it were otherwise.

Anyway, it would be nice to say that Kennedy's death was much on the mind of my fellow Dallasites but to be quite frank, I have yet to hear anyone say anything about it apart from that one neighbor I mentioned above -- and he, of course, needed a prompt. Perhaps this is a good thing. Given Dallas's reputation as the infamous "City of Hate", it is perhaps better that I heard no comment about the late president today rather than the negative ones that were heard so often during his lifetime. Some of my fellow Catholics used to joke back in the 1990s that one was more likely to hear pro-Kennedy comments in Boston than in Dallas, so I really can't expect much to have changed in that department.

Still, it would have been nice to hear something good about JFK from someone who was not writing for a local newspaper...

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