Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hey, I Remember This Show: The Munsters

The Addams Family was one of my late father's favorite TV comedies when I was growing up and I wish I could claim that I liked them just as much when I was a kid. But, unfortunately, my first love was The Munsters. Only when I got older did I develop much affection for The Addams Family -- perhaps because the opening credits for that show used to creep me out when I was very young.

The Munsters, for some reason, seemed more accessible. Granted, the gags were often more lowbrow and less imaginative than the ones in The Addams Family. But they were funny too.

If The Addamses were the aristocrats of the Halloween sitcom world, the Munsters were the working stiffs. Or to put it a different way, the Addamses were the rich eccentrics who kept to themselves for the most part while the Munsters were the good-hearted democrats who were not above mingling with their more conventional neighbors when they could.

In any event, here is the intro and outro from the second season. If you wish to see the intro for the first season, please go here.

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