Monday, February 23, 2009

It Is a Dream I Have...

Every so often, I would have this dream in which I was in bed but I was not asleep. I would get up to get a glass of water or something and then suddenly I’d find myself in this hallway. And my condo does not have a hallway.

Or else I would wander over into the living room and then realize I had accidentally wandered into someone else’s condo. But whenever I would try to retrace my steps, I would have trouble finding the way back to my place.

Sometimes the condo dweller was a girl. Another time it was an elderly couple. I rarely meet anyone I know which is just as well. The few times I have seen people I knew in dreams, I’d half-expect them to mention meeting me in their dreams the next time they saw me. But so far no one has done so.

So far, that is…



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