Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Modern Mantra

Persistence is futile.

Question authority. Except for those authorities who ask you to question authorities.

Give up your religion. Your sacred cows. Your quaint traditions. Your minor tongue.

And adopt ours.

Your way is superstition.

Our way is progress.

Your way is hopelessly flawless.

Our way is always perfect even when it’s wrong.

Think for yourself.

But if you don’t come to the same conclusions that we do, then prepare to be dismissed as an idiot.

If you think like we do, you’re obviously nothing more than a wannabe.

But if you dare to think independently, then there must be something wrong with you.

If you succeed in life despite dismissing our advice, then you’re lucky.

But when we succeed, it’s obviously the result of our own effort -- and nothing more.

An insult against us must be repaid instantly.

But an insult against you can wait forever to be avenged.

It’s not like you’re important.

It’s not like you’re intelligent.

It’s not like you’re deserving of the same good things we take for granted as our due.

And why you don’t want to be more like us, we’ll never understand.

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