Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm Back...Back in the Big D Groove

I was out for about a week owing to an operation that I'm still recovering from. It will probably be about a month before I'm fully recovered but at least I'm able to do more than I was allowed to do last week.

Mi novia, who has been assisting me during my recovery period, has been an absolute angel. So is mi mejor amiga, who allowed me and mi novia to stay over su casa (her house) as guests of her and her husband while I was going through the first week of my recovery period.

My operation can best be described as one of those operations that wasn't a matter of life and death yet could not have been put off indefinitely. The type of operation about which it is still embarrassing to talk.

However, I like to think I've gone through the worst of it by now, knock wood.

Muchas gracias a mi novia y mi mejor amiga para su ayuda. (Many thanks to my girlfriend and my best friend for their help.)

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