Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spanish Thanksgiving Words

1. agradecido(por) -- thankful(for).
2. arándano rojo -- cranberry.
3. batata -- yam.
4. boniato -- yam.
5. budín -- pudding.
6. calabaza -- pumpkin.
7. cazuela -- casserole.
8. cena -- dinner.
9. comer -- to eat.
10. comida -- food; meal.
11. cucurbitácea -- squash.
12. Día de Acción de Gracias -- Thanksgiving.
13. familia -— family.
14. fútbol americano -- American football (not soccer).
15. festividad de la cosecha -— harvest festival.
16. gluglú gluglú —- gobble gobble (the sound a turkey makes in the Spanish-speaking world).
17. gracias —- thanks.
18. guajolote -- turkey (Mexican word).
19. indígena americano/a —- American Indian; native American.
20. indio/a -- American Indian; native American.
21. maíz —- corn.
22. mazorca de maíz —- corn on the cob.
23. noviembre -- November.
24. ñame -- yam.
25. otoño -- autumn; fall (season).
26. Padres Peregrinos -- Pilgrim Fathers.
27. panecillo —- dinner roll.
28. papa majada -- mashed potatoes (Puerto Rican words).
29. parientes -— relatives.
30. pastel de calabaza -— pumpkin pie.
31. pavo -- turkey (Castilian word).
32. pavo asado -- roast turkey.
33. peregrino -- pilgrim.
34. pionero -- pioneer; explorer.
35. pudín -- pudding.
36. puré de papas -- mashed potatoes (Argentinian words).
37. puré de patatas —- mashed potatoes (Castilian words).
38. puritano -- Puritan; puritan.
39. relleno -— stuffing; turkey dressing.
40. restos -- leftovers.
41. salsa para carne -— gravy.
42. sobras -— leftovers.
43. tarta de calabaza -- pumpkin pie.
44. verduras —- vegetables.
45. Viernes Negro -- Black Friday.

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