Monday, September 20, 2010

Libros, Libros y Menos Libros

If there is anything more depressing than having to gather up some of your most beloved books to sell at the local used book store, it is how little you usually end up getting for said books.

Okay, I am not one of those people who expects everything he owns to be worth umpteen bucks a piece on eBay but I still find it disappointing when I take in three bags of my favorite reading material and barely get back enough to buy laundry detergent.

I usually get a little more for my CDs and DVDs but only if I bring in a lot -- and am willing to accept the fact that I will never get back in cash anything but a mere fraction of what I paid for it. Not to mention the fact that I do not have a whole lot of CDs and DVDs left to sell.

Oh, well. At least I got something back this week.

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Blogger Bluejay said...

Tonio: Depending on the books you have, some titles actually do fetch a surprising amount online. First editions, signed editions, out-of-print stuff. You can plug the isbn, author, title, and other info into to check out the going rates. I have a book of a certain artist's collected works (bought for $15) that I can now sell for at least $250 if I wanted to. Just a thought. :-)

11:35 AM  
Blogger Tonio Kruger said...

Thank you very much for the tip, Bluejay.

11:01 PM  

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