Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hey, I Remember This Show: Davey and Goliath

From the maker of Gumby, it's the Sunday morning Claymation effort that most hipsters -- apart from maybe Kevin Smith -- love to poke fun at. Yet I always had a soft spot for this show. Perhaps it is because I grew up watching it on Sunday mornings. Or perhaps because I appreciate the way it tried to get across moral lessons in a kid-friendly way that seems a considerable contrast to the glorified toy commercials that would dominate children's programming in later decades.

I am still haunted by the episode in which young Davey lost the chance to get a Good Neighbor prize because he was too busy helping out a young girl. The obvious moral: one should not always expect a reward for doing a good deed, even if said deed seems necessary, seems rather obvious to the adult me but to the me who first watched it as a child, it seemed like a major revelation.

Granted, it took me a few years of living to appreciate these cartoons. (After all, a lot of the life lessons they taught were not ones that little kids my age were particularly eager to learn.) But I eventually came around.

I hope you all enjoy it.

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