Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Thoughts About Sex

1. Is America really a puritanical country or are we a hedonist country in a state of denial?

2. When it comes to one's sexual past, men tend to exaggerate, women tend to downplay.

3. Conservatives always exaggerate the amount of sex in popular culture. Liberals always downplay the amount of sex in popular culture. And yet conservatives tend to produce more children than liberals, either because liberals are more adept in their knowledge of contraceptives or else because conservatives, when dealing with sex, tend to prefer practice over theory while liberals tend to be the exact opposite.

4. No matter how liberal or conservative our culture becomes, the popular culture will never be liberal enough for liberals nor conservative enough for conservatives. At best it will reach a happy medium.

5. Pornography is that which sexually arouses the weirdo down the block. Erotica is what arouses people like you or me.

6. Men find a naked woman to be far sexier than a woman clad in lingerie yet women prefer lingerie over nudity when they have a choice.

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