Thursday, June 05, 2008

Dichos (Sayings)

1. Una buena acción es la mejor oración. (A good deed is the best prayer.)
2. Perro que no camina, no encuentra hueso. (A dog that doesn't walk doesn't find a bone.)
3. De tal palo, tal astilla. (From such a stick, such a splinter.)
4. No hay atajo sin trabajo. (There is no shortcut without work.)
5. Querer es poder. (To want to is to be able to do [something].)
6. Una buena palabra no cuesta nada. (A kind word costs nothing.)
7. A mal paso, darle prisa. (If it's a disagreeable job, get with it.)
8. La palabra es plata, el silencio oro. (Speech is silver, silence gold.)
9. Lo que bien se aprende, nunca se pierde. (What is well learned is never forgotten.)
10. El no hacer nada, es mucho trabajo. (The hardest work is to do nothing.)

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Blogger Unknown said...

A fellow "half breed" myself - these dichos are great. Check out for a collection of tshirts coming soon!

7:44 PM  

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