Sunday, January 20, 2019

Rough Night Was Rough, All Right -- Especially for the Audience

This just in: women can be rough and crude too.

At least that's the impression I got from the 2017 movie Rough Night, a gender-reversed imagining of the dark comedy Very Bad Things that managed to be more tasteless than the original but unfortunately, not all that funny. (To be fair, I didn't find Very Bad Things to be all that funny either though there are some critics who liked it better than me.) The highlight of Rough Night appeared to be Scarlett Johansson's Hilaryesque haircut though Kate McKinnon's MarySueish foreigner earned points from me for simply being one of the few characters who dared to act like a likable human being.

Of course, the main problem with the movie is that most of the actresses in Rough Night weren't playing characters; they were playing types: the fat girl, the lesbian, the lesbian of color, the foreigner, and so on. Worse yet, they were not even playing relatively entertaining types. My eyes started glazing over after the umpteenth crude joke and considering that the screenwriters managed to include almost every possible joke involving vibrators, adult diapers and fratboy humor that one could possibly put in a movie, the movie proved to be remarkably dull. Scarlett Johansson initially showed promise as a female politician based loosely upon a former Secretary of State but then she got overwhelmed by a formulaic plot that seemed to have little purpose save to make audience members my age really hate all the main characters in this movie.Even McKinnon's attempt to parody the end of Chicago did not quite work. However, the movie did succeed in making me feel sorry for Demi Moore, who had the thankless role of a bored neighbor who liked to experiment with bisexuality.

The only reason I saw this movie was because a friend wanted to see it. And I would like to think that the very fact that I went to see this flick with her says something more profound about the true nature of friendship than anything you're likely to find in this movie.

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