Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Health Report

I have been seeing a physical therapist about my neck and so far her efforts have paid off. I have been back at work for over a week now and so far my neck has not bothered me like it used to. It helps that I'm doing exercises to improve my neck muscles. It helps that I am paying more attention to my posture. (Holding up your head is actually a good way to prevent future neck pain. Who knew?) And it helps that I'm getting neck rubs on a regular basis. (I used to get regular neck rubs from my mejor amiga but since she retired and is no longer with us, that is no longer an option for me.)

Of course, I'm not totally out of the woods. I recently had to change health insurance companies and as you might guess, that is causing all sorts of problems. Plus the sight of my physical therapist makes me miss my former novia and bride-to-be even though the two of them are hardly identical.

Oh, well. When I was in the hospital, I saw so many people who had worse problems...

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