Tuesday, April 22, 2014

British English Words: Parte I

1. banger -- sausage.
2. bed and breakfast -- room plus breakfast.
3. bent -- dishonest.
4. bespoke -- hand tailored.
5. bob -- former shilling; now 5 new pence.
6. bobby -- policeman.
7. bog -- toilet.
8. bonnet -- (car) hood.
9. boot -- (car) trunk.
10. caravan -- trailer.
11. chemist -- drugstore.
12. chips -- French fries.
13. cinema -- movie theater.
14. civvies -- civilian dress.
15. coach -- long distance bus.
16. crisps -- potato chips.
17. demo -- political demonstration.
18. detached house -- house that stands alone and does not share a wall with another house.
19. dogsbody--someone who does drudge work.
20. dustbin -- garbage can.
21. engaged -- (phone) busy.
22. fag -- cigarette.
23. football -- soccer; rugby.
24. fortnight -- two weeks.
25. frankfurter -- pork sausage.
26. full up -- no more room.
27. gateau -- cake.
28. have a go -- take a turn; try something.
29. hire -- rent.
30. holiday -- vacation.
31. interval -- intermission.
32. ironmonger -- hardware store.
33. kiosk -- booth.
34. knickers -- underpants (ladies).
35. lift -- elevator.
36. loo -- toilet.
37. lower grand floor -- basement.
38. mobile -- cell phone; cell number.
39. mobile phone -- cell phone.
40. nappies -- diapers.
41. newsstall -- newstand.
42. not to worry -- never mind.
43. off the peg -- readymade.
44. overtake -- pass.
45. pants -- underpants (men).
46. pardon? -- what did you say?
47. pavement -- sidewalk.
48. petrol -- gasoline.
49. pillar box -- mail box.
50. post -- mail.

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