Saturday, January 18, 2014

Greek Words

1. agape -- spiritual love.
2. anatole -- East.
3. anemos -- wind.
4. Artemision -- Temple of Artemis.
5. astrape -- lightning.
6. biblion -- book.
7. bios -- life.
8. bronte -- thunder.
9. Cheimerioi -- men of Winterland.
10. cheimon -- winter.
11. chersonesos -- peninsula.
12. chersos -- dry land.
13. chion -- snow.
14. despoina -- domina; mistress; word reserved for the wives of kings.
15. echthroi -- literally, "enemies"; The Enemy.
16. eiar -- spring.
17. eos -- dawn.
18. eros -- physical love.
19. gamos -- marriage.
20. gymnos -- naked.
21. gyne -- woman.
22. haima -- blood.
23. hetaira -- female sophisticated companion; courtesan.
24. hieros gamos -- holy marriage.
25. iatros -- physician.
26. kore -- maiden.
27. mantis -- prophet.
28. mixobarbaroi -- semi-/mixed/half barbarians; people living on the edge of the oikoumene.
29. moros -- fool.
30. morosophia -- foolish wisdom.
31. naos -- temple.
32. neoi -- youths.
33. neoplutoi -- new rich.
34. nesoi -- islands.
35. nesos -- island.
36. oikoumene -- literally, "the inhabited world"; the known part of the Greek world.
37. onar -- a dream; a sleep-dream.
38. parthenia -- virginity.
39. parthenos -- virgin.
40. philia -- mental love; friendship or affectionate regard.
41. phobos -- fear.
42. phthinoporon -- autumn.
43. pistis -- faith.
44. pleonexia -- greed.
45. polemos -- war.
46. pornai -- harlots; prostitutes on the bottom of the social scale.
47. Potnia -- mistress; lady.
48. psyche -- soul.
49. soma -- body.
50. sophia -- knowledge; wisdom.
51. storge -- natural affection (especially for family members); mere acceptance.
52. thalassa -- sea.
53. thanatos -- death.
54. theros -- summer.
55. tribades -- lesbians.
56. xanthos -- fair.

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