Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Greek Mythological Terms in Spanish

1. Amazonas -- Amazons.
2. amazonomaquia -- literally, Amazon battle; portrayal of the mythical battle between the Greeks and the Amazons.
3. arimaspos -- Arimaspi.
4. basilisco -- basilisk.
5. caballo alado -- winged horse.
6. Caja de Pandora -- Pandora's Box.
7. centauro -- centaur.
8. cíclope -- cyclops.
9. descenso al inframundo -- descent into the underworld.
10. diosa -- goddess.
11. Diosa Madre -- Mother Goddess.
12. esfinge -- sphinx.
13. fénix -- phoenix.
14. furia -- fury.
15. gigante -- giant.
16. Gigantomaquia -- war of the Giants.
17. gorgona -- gorgon.
18. grifo -- griffin.
19. hado -- fate.
20. harpía -- harpy.
21. hidra -- hydra.
22. inframundo -- underworld.
23. lamia -- lamia.
24. loto -- lotus.
25. lotófagos -- lotus-eaters.
26. ménade -- maenad.
27. ménades -- maenads.
28. Minotauro -- Minotaur.
29. musa -- muse.
30. ninfa -- nymph.
31. quimera -- chimera.
32. salamandra -- salamander.
33. sátiro -- satyr.
34. sirena -- siren; mermaid.
35. titán -- titan.
36. titanes -- male titans.
37. titánides -- female titans.
38. Titanomaquia -- war of the Titans.
39. tritón -- merman.
40. uróboros -- ouroboros.

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