Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Pensamientos Acerca de Televisión

The Big Bang Theory: “The Adhesive Duck Deficiency”

At long last the show gives us proof that the seemingly asexual Sheldon is not quite as asexual as he seems. Of course, I should be embarrassed to admit I found this out via a rerun but I guess that is still better than waiting for the DVD.

Then again how exactly am I supposed to react to an episode that makes fun of a character for having had sex with his cousin when more than a few relatives in my family had actually married -- and on one occasion that I know of, had children with -- a cousin? Yes, they are aware of the laws of genetics. And most of them chose to marry said cousin after they had conceived all the children they want with a former spouse. And to be fair, not every cousin in my family seeks to marry another cousin.

Then again if it was good enough for Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, who am I to look down on the practice?

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