Monday, January 04, 2010

My New Year's Resolutions

I posted this on another site so I might as well post it here.

1. Write more.
2. Write more stuff worth reading -- i.e. put more thought and effort into my writing.
3. Lose more weight -- and keep it off.
4. Go to the gym more often.
5. Find a better-paying job.
6. Watch more old movies -- preferably ones I have been always meaning to watch someday but never do.
7. Socialize more.
8. Make new friends.
9. Keep up my connections to old friends.
10. Travel -- if I get the chance.
11. Read all of those books in my bookcase that I have been putting off reading for a rainy day.
12. Win the state lottery.

Of course, I have made so many of these same resolutions in years past that I often suspect that number 12 is the most realistic one.

Oh, well. We'll see...



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