Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Things You Aren't Supposed to Mention If You're a White Non-Hispanic

1. The relative who is a drug addict.
2. The relative who is an alcoholic.
3. The relative who is a hidden alcoholic.
4. The relative who is a deadbeat dad.
5. The relative who is an adulterer.
6. The relative who conceived a child out of wedlock.
7. The relative who had an abortion.
8. The relative who arranged an abortion.
9. The relative who is an ex-con.
10. The relative who married outside of his or her religion.
11. The relative who married outside of his or her race.
12. The relative who is a wife beater.
13. The relative who is a drug dealer.
14. The relative who is a bisexual.
15. The relative who is a closet homosexual.
16. The relative who is an uncloseted homosexual.
17. The relative who is an ex-stripper.
18. The relative who is currently employed as a stripper.
19. The relative who is an ex-prostitute.
20. The relative who is currently employed as -- you get the idea.

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