Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yet More Spanish Words I Like

1. bienamado -- beloved.
2. blanca -- white.
3. bonita -- pretty.
4. canela -- cinnamon; anything exquisite.
5. español -- Spanish; Spanish language; Spaniard.
6. final feliz -- happy ending.
7. flor y canto -- the flowers and the songs; the precious things in life (Mexican concept).
8. flor y nata -- the elite; the cream.
9. frontera -- frontier; boundary; border.
10. grandeza -- greatness.
11. grito -- shout; yell; a tight, controlled ai-yai-eeee sound.
12. inglés -- English; English language; Englishman.
13. lengüeta en mejilla -- tongue-in-cheek.
14. libro de bolsillo -- paperback.
15. libro de cocina -- cookbook.
16. libro de consulta -- reference book.
17. limpieza -- cleanliness; purity.
18. linda -- beautiful.
19. lindísima -- most beautiful.
20. misa -- Catholic Mass.
21. La Morenita -- literally, "Little Darkling"; Mexican nickname for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
22. muérdago -- mistletoe.
23. mujer -- woman.
24. muñeca -- wrist; doll; puppet.
25. muñeco de nieve -- snowman.
26. música -- music.
27. música campirana -- country music
28. norteña/o -- Northerner.
29. novela -- novel; soap opera.
30. Ojalá -- if only.
31. paraíso terrenal -- paradise; garden of Eden.
32. payaso -- clown.
33. pesadilla -- nightmare.
34. personaje -- character.
35. piel -- skin; hide; pelt; leather; fur; peel.
36. piel-de-canela -- cinnamon-colored skin.
37. piel de gallina -- goose flesh.
38. pintoresco -- picturesque.
39. pregunta -- question.
40. prendas -- natural gifts.
41. primavera -- spring (season of spring).
42. querida -- dear; mistress; paramour.
43. quijotada -- quixotic act.
44. quijotesco -- quixotic.
45. quinceañera -- special birthday celebration for a fifteen-year-old girl.
46. quinceañero -- teenager; fifteen year-old.
47. quizás -- maybe; perhaps.
48. recuerdo -- keepsake; memento; souvenir; memory; recollection.
49. regalo -- gift.
50. rosa -- rose; pink.

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