Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Still More Spanish Words I Like

1. ciencia ficción -- science fiction.
2. cocodrilo -- crocodile.
3. computadora -- computer.
4. escrito por -- written by.
5. escritor -- writer.
6. gallo -- rooster.
7. gato -- cat.
8. guajolote -- turkey (Mexican word).
9. guión -- script; screenplay.
10. guionista -- screenwriter.
11. hispanidad -- Spanish nature; Spanish essence or spirit; Spanish solidarity; Spanish union.
12. hispanohablante -- Spanish-speaking.
13. hispanoparlante -- Spanish-speaking.
14. iconoclasta -- iconoclast.
15. idioma -- language.
16. ignorante -- ignorant; ignoramus; term used by Californios in the 19th century to refer to a member of the Know-Nothing Party.
17. ignoto -- unknown; undiscovered.
18. igualdad -- equality.
19. jardín -- garden.
20. lector -- reader.
21. lectora -- female reader.
22. lengua -- language.
23. ley -- law.
24. leyenda -- legend.
25. leyenda negra -- literally, black legend; the claim that Spain and the Spaniards were depicted as uniquely bloodthirsty, cruel, greedy and licentious, in excess of reality.
26. leyenda rosa -- literally, pink legend or white legend; the claim which promoted an ideal view of Spaniards.
27. librería -- bookshop; bookstore.
28. libro -- book.
29. mentira -- lie.
30. mundo -- world.
31. nieve -- snow; ice cream (Mexican word).
32. película -- film; movie.
33. película basura -- bad movie.
34. película independiente -- independent film.
35. película muda -- silent movie; silent picture.
36. película taquillera -- blockbuster; box office hit.
37. periódico -- periodical; newspaper.
38. poema -- poem.
39. regla -- rule.
40. ruiseñor —- nightingale.
41. selva -- forest; woods; jungle.
42. siglo de las luces -- Age of Enlightenment (18th century).
43. siglo de plata -- silver age.
44. siglo dorado -- golden age.
45. tecolote -— owl (Mexican word).
46. vaciado -- funny in the sense of “a kick” or something that tickles one; word that was sometimes used by my Mexican cousins to mean “cool” or “neat”.
47. valores familiares -- family values.
48. verdad -- truth.
49. vida -- life.
50. zopilote -- buzzard; turkey buzzard (Mexican word).

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