Tuesday, December 11, 2018

His Aim Was Not So True: Gotcha!

A lot of your reaction to the 1985 movie Gotcha! will depend a lot on your gender, your age and your sexual orientation. For example, if you're a heterosexual male, you'll probably like it more than most movie goers and even then, your appreciation will depend a lot upon you're young enough to see Linda Fiorentino's character in this movie as a glamorous older woman or whether you're old enough to see her as a cute young thing. Needless to say, the younger males will probably like it better than the older, if for no other reason than they're likely to be more patient with the movie's shameless bouts of "ugly Americanism."

On the plus side, it was one of the few films I've seen in which Chicano bikers proved to be on the hero's side. But then you got that weird fetish scene at the end of the movie in which we the audience were supposed to admire the hero's willingness to shoot a pretty lady in the butt. Then again, it's nice to see that Linda Fiorentino has since gone on to bigger and better roles. Come to think of it, leading man Anthony Edwards has since done pretty well for himself as well but for some strange reason, I don't care that much about what happened to him.

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