Monday, November 26, 2018

Pensamientos Acerca de Televisión

Doctor Who (The Second Series): “The Woman Who Fell to Earth”

Just think. All those years I was growing up, I thought I was just clumsy but now that I've seen this episode and its description of dyspraxia... I was apparently just clumsy.

But seriously, folks.

This was the episode in which Jodie Whittaker officially became the first female Doctor on this show. (Well, she had a brief bit on a previous episode but this is the first episode in which she got to be the Doctor for the entire episode.)

So far, she has done a good job. She is smart and funny and just as fond as long, melodramatic speeches as her predecessors. Plus she has Mickey Smith, Maggie Habib, and Rory's dad as back-ups. Okay, not literally, but it is kinda hard to pretend that Graham, for example, was not just a little inspired by the character of Rory's dad in a previous episode.

Much of the episode was a tad predictable and BBC America didn't help much with their constant spoilers. Then again it was nice to see the casting people put their money where their mouths were as far as diversity was concerned. And it didn't hurt that the show's writers did not feel the need to give the Doctor a sudden shower or bathing scene just to satisfy the most sophomoric of the show's male fans.

So keep your fingers crossed. It looks like it's going to be a bumpy season.

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