Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Pensamientos Acerca de Televisión

The X-Files: “Nothing Lasts Forever”

Cool: An episode about a Latina vampire slayer.

Plus we also get to see Mulder and Scully discuss religion.

And a handy -- though more than a bit horrific -- metaphor for cultural assimilation.

And yet another handy catchphrase for the show's aficionados.

And the most memorable use of a certain Maureen McGovern song since the original Poseidon Adventure.

Not So Cool: There is no real ending given to the Latina slayer's story arc. No hint as to why she did not immediately go to jail or suffer any fate worse than a sad look at her photo from her own mother.

For that matter, it would have been nice if the Latina slayer had been played by an actual Latina but then nowadays even Guillermo del Toro is not that politically correct in his casting decisions involving Latin characters so it seems silly for me to expect more from the likes of producer Chris Carter.

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